Saturday, April 30, 2022

Stoicism - PART 9 Virtue - Wisdom

 Wisdom was viewed very highly by the Stoics, it's a key part of our continuous self-improvement process. I already talked a bit about knowledge in the previous entry and mentioned that we always need to keep an open mind. I want to talk about the value of knowledge, because some knowledge is more valuable and we must learn to identify where to find it. Yes, we have countless information at our disposal, and I said that we must be open to hearing contrary ideas, but we must make sure that we are dedicating our time to acquire knowledge that will be useful for your development and wellbeing as well as those around you. Make sure your daily activities include at least one task that will add to your wisdom and will help you get to where you want to be. 

Every person you've ever met has had different experiences and has acquired different perspectives and potential wisdom, remember there are many others and only one of you! This means that you are better off listening and observing more than talking, so make sure to let others express themselves freely!

In order to feel fulfillment it is necessary that we keep learning and training our bodies and mind, set short term goals and prize yourself for reaching them. Make sure you're setting new goals as soon as you reach your current ones and give yourself a break when you need to. There's no rush and no point in feeling regret for not developing this in the past, it's never too late to learn and contribute to your overall happiness.


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